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Saturday 2 April 2016

World has gone digital, therefore, more and more people are using the medium of internet to promote their business across the world. When one talks of web world and thinks of doing business over the web, he or she always wants to create a website to make people aware of his or her brand. No matter in which business you are dealing, if you think of promoting your business over the web, you need a website that can provide information to internet users about your services and products. Looking at the present time, it is not wrong to say that there is no platform so quick and cheaper than internet. But using internet for business purposes is not an easy task as you need to learn about domain and hosting thing.

Domain and hosting are the most important and primary things to make your website live on internet. There are a number of companies in the market that offer domain and hosting services at cheap and reasonable prices. But you need to be careful while choosing this service. As your website is an important part of your business, therefore, you need to check all the security and maintenance thing about the hosting and domain. Don’t be trapped in the offers of unlimited hosting space and multiple domain things because it can be quite dangerous in future.

Domain is a name that used to recognize multiple IP addresses. When you think of creating a website, you need to register your website name which is also called as domain name. There are various types of domain available in the market but the most used ones are .com and .in on which people register their website names. For example, if someone is looking to run a business on content or online marketing and want to have content word in it domain’s name, he or she can check and find their desire names on the domain provider website. If you decide seotechexperts as your domain name, first of all you need to check whether the name is available on .com or .in. If it is available then you can easily register your name either as seotechexperts.com or seotechexperts.in.

On the other hand, you need web space that you can get through hosting. If you want to have 1GB space for your website then you can take the same from hosting. There are two types of hosting – independent and sharing. Though independent hosting is always expensive compare to sharing hosting but if you want to run a secure business, it is always good for you to take the independent hosting over sharing. 


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